Author: matt

  • Design Updates: 2020

    It’s that time when I start to think about changing the layout and direction of this blog. As with life, I believe this blog should always be evolving as I go along. For the last 10-15 years it’s been through blogging platform changes, server migrations, theme changes, and other little development experiments. The next step…

  • Switching to a MacBook Air in Q1 of 2019

    Switching to a MacBook Air in Q1 of 2019

    It’s been a really long time since I did a post on hardware recommendations. I guess it’s better late than never.

  • What do you really want?

    Social norms are really powerful. The inputs that influence you are really powerful. A great video, talk, or book can convince you that you should be acting and thinking like that. But the worst thing in life would be a death-bed regret that you’ve spent your life pursuing what someone said you should want, instead…

  • Let’s not play that game

    We don’t have to believe that Apple will make our lives better, cooler, more beautiful. We don’t have to watch the Harry Potter movie (the last one was kinda lame) or every blockbuster that comes out. We don’t have to believe that Victoria’s Secret and H&M will make us sexier, or that we need Lululemon…

  • How teens of 2016 view social media platforms

    It was just after dinner today that I was wondering how a teenager of 2016 views the social media platforms that are currently available, and I stumbled upon this article on Backchannel. Snapchat has a lot less social pressure attached to it compared to every other popular social media network out there. This is what…