
  • On Evernote’s recent troubles

    I’ve used and loved Evernote for a long time. However over the past year, I’ve been making many attempts to migrate away from it. It’s not exactly one specific reason/issue that is causing me to move away, but many little quirks that give you the feeling of death by a thousand cuts. Sadly they’ve also…

  • Silly mistakes when managing projects

    The fundamental problem I was facing was that I acting like a freelancer instead of a business owner. I didn’t have refined processes for client management, outsourcing work, and managing projects. It certainly takes time to think about your business and build out processes for it. At the same time, you’ll benefit from moving from…

  • Fountain Pens for Beginners

    If you’re like me, you’ll read a lot, you’ll feel lost, and you’ll be intimidated. And then eventually, after months and months of reading stuff that you barely understand, you’ll decide to take the plunge and buy a pen and see what happens. You’ll make some mistakes, but eventually after some trial and error, you’ll…